A summer school for the PRC team members and the target group (MENDELU Ph.D. students) was organized in Austria by the Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald (BFW) in Vienna in July 2020 and coordinated by Dr. Thomas Cech.
This event was a abenefit for all participants from both a professional and pedagogical point of view. A highlight of the 2 days summer school programme was the visit to the LIECO nursery with a guided tour through all its operations which meet in detail all the conditions and requirements of forest management in the fields of forest restoration and protection.
The summer school participants also visited the BFW training center in Traunkirchen where were they were introduced to the very representative premises for organizing workshops, conferences or summer schools.
Last but not least, another interesting topic of the summer school programme was the visit of the unique localities Herdegg, Schӧnkirchen, and Hohenau where Dr. Cech demonstrated the symptoms and effects of tree diseases caused by introduced plant pathogens and where the participants discussed the local history of pathogen spread, symptom development, influence on farming and social perception.
Photogallery here